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Antigen Select: Clostridium difficile

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Product Description

Antigen Select Equine Plasma is used for replacement of fluids and at the discretion of the veterinarian. The plasma is collected from healthy horses recently immunized with the specified select antigen.

Antigen Select: Clostridium difficile is produced following immunization with Clostridium difficile bacterin and toxin.

Effectiveness demonstrated in both mouse and hamster models.

Available frozen in: 1000ml, 500ml.

Equine hyperimmune serum protects mice against Clostridium difficile spore Challenge. Weiwei Yan, Kang-Soon Shin, Shih-Jon Wang, Hua Xiang, Thomas Divers, Sean McDonough, James Bowman, Anne Rowlands, Bruce Akey, Hussni Mohamed, Yung-Fu Chang. J. Vet. Sci. (2014)m 15(2), 249-258.

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